Our Services

Hair Treatments

We offer the best Hair Treatments Services in Nairobi CBD.  

Hair treatments are oils meant to penetrate the hair to restore and maintain internal strength. We generally have two types of treatments:

Reconstructors: They make hair stronger and are generally protein based. These are recommended if you have chemically damaged hair (maybe from a perm or color), breaking or weak hair. Reconstructors are usually often a combination of protein and moisture. Protein treatments if used incorrectly can leave the hair brittle. Conditioners are generally used every time you shampoo to make your hair feel smooth.

Moisturizers: The most common type of treatments that balance the moisture content of the cortex (mid part of your hair). Moisture treatments are great for frizzy, dry and curly hair that lacks bounce. The treatment will treat all damage conditions from chemical to physical (from coloring, over drying, heating your hair to sun damage).


Want to make booking or have a question?

Call us on 0720 161 444 or simply book an appointment

Benefits Of Using Out Hair Treatments Services in Nairobi CBD

Fights aging scalp

Aging scalp leads to greying hair and hair loss. You can revitalize your scalp by facilitating proper blood circulation and providing essential nutrients to achieve benefits and delay scalp aging.

Provides deep conditioning

Deep conditioning is good for stronger hair follicles. It rejuvenates the scalp to create a strong foundation for the scalp and hair.

Normalizes secretion of oil

Excess oil secretion makes hair weak. This can also give rise to dandruff. low oil secretion can also cause flaking, which also leads to dull and dry hair. Scalp and hair treatments help normalize oil secretion and delivers essential oils, making your hair smooth and silky.

Gets rid of thinning hair

Hair thins with age and that requires preventive measures. Most of these hair problems begin with the hair roots, that means if treatments address your scalp and hair first, you can be sure to achieve healthy and beautiful hair.

Gets rid of dandruff

Dandruff is caused by factors like dust, frizz, stress and lack of hair maintenance. There are DIY ingredients like almond oil, olive oil, eggs and milk that provide essential nutrients and help drive dandruff away. Professional treatments at our hair salon have proven to solve all the hair problems listed above.


Want to make booking or have a question?

Call us on 0720 161 444 or simply book an appointment

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